Due to the ambiguity of these expressions, many and very different interpretations of this restraining force or power - the katechon - that delays the advent of the Antichrist have beeen proposed during the last 1960 years by dozens of exegetes, commentators and philosophers. Among others: Roman emperors, the Roman Empire, the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, the Catholic Church, the Papacy, .. ... During the XX century great importance and consideration has been given to this katechontic "restrainer" by the German political thinker Carl Schmitt, who said "One [historian] must be able to name the katechon for every epoch of the last 1948 years. The place has never been empty, or else we would no longer exist." Recently here in Italy the Venetian philosopher Massimo Cacciari wrote a book - "Il potere che frena" ("The restraining power") - on the katechon, seen a la Schmitt in a context of theological-political considerations.
The meditations I made on the matter, within the framework of the new hermeneutics I'm proposing with my book and in this blog, brought me to the conclusions that in 2 Thess 2:1-12 Paul of Tarsus or someone of his disciples is explaining to the Thessalonian Christians that the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will be a single J-S conjunction (exactly as it really was on March 26, AD 54) and at the same time why it is being late. As can be seen in the underlying diagramm, when a single J-S conjunction like that of AD 54 is going to happen, for almost one year before the event Jupiter remains on the right of Saturn (lower longitude) as if something or someone restrains it to catch up and to pass Saturn. Only after a 5° oscillation (10° to about 15°, see red curve ) the visual angular distance between the two planets goes down towards zero and the conjunction endly happens. And now, who or what was restraining the conjunction to occur? The answer is very simple to find observing that for many months before the event the two planets are _in retrograde motion_. This means that the Earth, our planet, in its rotation around the Sun is overcoming both planet-lines: Saturn-Sun and Jupiter-Sun.
In other words the Earth is in the middle, between the planets and the Sun, and only when it will have rotated _out of this middle position_ to the opposite part of its orbit the single J-S conjunction will occur.
So, in the context of the new hermeneutics (l'ermeneutica di Giuseppe or Joseph's planetary hermeneutics) we have reached two important, fundamental conclusions:
I) the KATECHON of 2 THESS 2, 6-7 is our planet, the EARTH;
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My poster on Unicorn as allegoric image of single Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions (presented in Liverpool, March 2008) |
II) the MAN OF SIN of 2 Thessalonians or the ANTICHRIST of the Johannine epistles
is nothing else that the fourfold planetary disposition
(see the Liverpool-Berlin poster 2008-2009 here on the right).
This is enough for today, so I close here. Meditate, people !!
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