This post is thought mainly (but not only) for readers who have difficulties with the Italian language and who would like to know something more about the central theses of the new historical-philosophical-religious interpretative paradigm based on Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions I'm proposing since some years.
For the sake of simplicity I'll give some links to the site of the F.I.E.C. Fédération Internationale des Associations d'Etudes classiques (Int. Feder. of the Societies of Classical Studies), Federation which invited me to explain my theses at its next five-yearly congress (Berlin, August 2009).
Here you can find an overwiev of the congress panels/sessions:
here the list of all Invited Speakers of Panel 17 (Recent Discoveries):
and here the Abstract I sent one year ago answering to the Call for Papers of the Congress, abstract in which I gave summarizing details of my theses:
I hope that all English-speaking readers will find interesting my new interpretative proposals of these two millenary miths and that they will begin to follow this blog and these ideas.
And - please - partecipate to the statistical survey: let me know from where you are reading this good-will Italian.
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