For us today - after Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton - it is simple to visualize and graphically represent a planetary situation like that on the left, but it was not so twenty or more centuries ago when most people thought that the planetary system was geocentrical.
Do you remember the night dialogue in John's Gospel 3,3 between Jesus and Nicodemus? It has to do exactly with the said difficulty, to abstract from the perceptive reality of the planetary movements to gain, to reach the objective reality of the heliocentrical structure of the planetary system.
The triple conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn takes place when at the moment of the heliocentrical J-S conjunction our Earth will be on the line of that central alignment (point E) or in a circular sector of not more than about 30° (red sector on the figure). In this case the central alignment (the II al.) will be preceded and followed by two other alignments, as in figure.

I and III alignments happen during progressive motion of the planets, while on the contrary the II central alignment takes place during the apparent retrograde motion of the heavenly bodies. What - this is the new revelation I give today - was also allegorized in the group of the three Graces, two showing their front side and one, the central, showing its back side (side B).
I think it's enough for today, then I close sending friendly greetings to all my readers, wherever you are in the world. Bye bye.
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