I have now neither room nor time, but I can quietly demonstrate that many of Heidegger's terminologies re-read at the light of the here proposed interpretation find a clear explanation.
The keen systematic application of the here proposed interpretation to Heidegger's vast opera (102 volumes in the GesamtAusgabe), opens the way - I think - to more and more discoverings of his true and deep thoughts, so well hidden in his writings.
It is the author's opinion that G. De Cesaris' work (10) could well be - with its sections on phenomenology and temporality of the J_S conjunctions - the missing part of Heidegger's main book "Being and Time", the part that he did not want or know how to write.
Since Heidegger in his thought paths on and around the problem of Being (the Seinsfrage) met and had confrontations (Auseinandersetzungen) with many of the thinkers and philosophers of the past, from Plato to Aristoteles, from Anaximander to Paul, from Heraklit to st. Thomas, ... a finally clear understanding of Heidegger's thought opens many ways to a better understanding of the whole western philosophy.
(10) Congiunzioni Giove-Saturno e storia giudaico-cristiana (Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions and judaic-christian history)
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