Constantine's XP-vision
on the evening of October 27th, 312, in direction South-West
[G. De Cesaris, Congiunzioni Giove-Saturno e storia giudaico-cristiana, 2001] |
What Constantine could really see in the evening sky of those last days of October 312 was
the lining up of the four planets Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus while background was the Capricorn constellation. Taking into consideration the fact that
the stars of this zodiacal constellation form a figure like the letter P, it is easy to see in
the superimposing of these two pictures the caeleste signum dei XP (chi-rho), i.e. the beginning of the word Christ in Greek language.
This is in my opinion the origin of the the symbol which, according to the legend, Constantine put on his soldiers' shields before the battle against Maxentius.
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