Ten years ago in these days I was beginning to write my first book, the book which would have had the final title Congiunzioni Giove-Saturno e storia giudaico-cristiana (in English Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions and judaic-christian history) and the cover of which you can see here on the right. At that time, anno Domini 2000, I had already found that the astroNomical phenomenon of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction explains many crucial points/moments of the ancient jewish and christian history but I didn't suspect that the study of this phenomenon had brought me so far, as it did and still does. At that time I had only heard of the ancient myths of the phoenix and of the unicorn but I didn't image they could have had an astronomical interpretation, and even less that I should have found it.
Similarly I knew at that time neither Heidegger's name nor his philosophy, idem for Husserl, Edith Stein, Hannah Arendt, Gadamer, Loewith, .. Nietzsche, Rilke, Hoelderlin, ... ... Bloch, Benjamin, Lukacs, ... ..

1) first, you go to the site of the US-Library of Congress (loc)
2) you click (link site of the page) on the link 'Copyright Office';
3) then on 'Search Copyright Records';
4) then on 'Online Records' and
5) finally on 'Public Catalog'. Putting now as search request:
'Keyword=Congiunzioni Giove-Saturno' OR
'Name=DeCesaris, Giuseppe'
you obtain the registration record of my book with
Registration Number/Date: TXu000977054 / 2000-08-31
I had forgotten .. it was a heavy manuscript: 416 pages .. a lot of work! Date of Creation: 2000.
As you can see, the personnel of the Office made only one error: 'Conguinzioni' instead of 'Congiunzioni'. Nice to see that the work was judged of great relevance!! It's so indeed, in all modesty.
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