It is a pleasure for me to communicate to all my readers that now copies of my book can be found also in Tuebingen (Germany), where I brought them on the occasion of the Heidegger-Society Annual Meeting (Nov. 8th-10th, 2013), which took place in the 'Alte Aula' of the tuebingerian university.
A first copy I gave Prof. Dietmar Koch (one of the organizers) for the Library of the Philosophy Faculty of the Eberhard-Karls-University.
Il Tuebinger Evangelisches Stift, antico luogo residenziale di formazione per gli studenti di teologia protestante |
Another copy I left to the librarian responsible for the gift receipt at the Library of the Tuebinger Evangelisches Stift, one of the oldest and most important formation centers in Germany for Protestant pastors and students of theology. This institution is the residential place where - since 1536 - a lot of important people lived and studied when young, among them Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), Friedrich Hoelderlin (1770-1843), George W. Friedrich Hegel (1772-1831), Friedrich Schelling (1775-1854).
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